
back on its feet

When BMS World Mission videographer Jake Barrell visited Mozambique in July of last year, it was to be much more than just a filming trip. He was visiting a country devastated by a cyclone just three months earlier, a country where his parents, Mark and Susanna, serve as mission workers, and a country standing proudly back on its feet. This is Mozambique, and these are his photos.

“I went to Mozambique three months after Cyclone Idai. A lot of the relief agencies had gone, so it was really inspiring to see the BMS team being such an active part of the continuing relief efforts that need to happen after the immediate response.”

People watch a woman writing
The BMS team in Mozambique hold justice clinics in bustling marketplaces, where anyone can come to get free legal advice.

“The team helped a lot with distributing food packages, but the main thing they’re involved with is document recovery. A lot of birth and marriage certificates have been washed away or destroyed in the cyclone, so they’re looking into ways to get them restored.”

A woman looking at a leaflet.
“I kept walking around and saying to the lawyers who were there, ‘This is so great!’ You could see change happening.”

“This next photo is of Lídia, who was a beneficiary but who now works supported by BMS. She’s the face of our partner, the Mozambican Association of Christian Lawyers (AMAC) – she’s the first person you meet when you walk through the door.”

A woman sits at a desk and smiles at the camera.
Lídia’s mum was tragically killed in a car crash. With legal aid from AMAC, Lídia received the compensation she was owed, and is now training to be a lawyer alongside her work, supported by BMS.

“She’s really jolly, really joyful, and worked on the justice clinics they were doing after Cyclone Idai. With this image, I wanted to communicate that warmth. She’s got a great smile.”

A man smiles at the camera.
“I’ve got a very soft spot for Carlos, who is the Mozambique Team Leader.”

Carlos is a very humble, lovely man. He does a lot of work supporting agricultural projects, so I wanted to capture him in that kind of scene. We drove for about 30 minutes and chatted as the sun was setting. It’s probably one of my favourite photos.”

A girl in a marketplace.
“I shot this just walking down the street. It was one of those happy accidents.”

“We heard one thing quite a lot when we were interviewing people, that Mozambican people take everything in their stride. That was something I had in the back of my mind taking photos: that these people are strong, they are powerful, they have faced so much.”

Jake’s photos are a joyful portrait of a country getting back into action, with the BMS team right at the centre.

Our workers in Mozambique were able to respond in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai thanks to the generous giving of incredible supporters. You can make a difference before disasters strike. Support disaster recovery today, so when disasters strike, we can strike back.

Support disaster recovery today Click here

Words and interview by Hannah Watson, Editor of Engage, the BMS World Mission magazine.

Posted on: January 09 2020

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