WhatsApp mission:

The technology that helped a girl to walk

Meet Diana*, the girl who couldn’t walk, and discover the powerful connections that healed her.

They thought she wouldn’t make it. For six months, seven-year-old Diana had lain bedridden with a life-threatening illness no-one could determine. And even when she began to get well, the situation seemed hopeless: Diana could no longer walk, her small frame was stuck bent forward and she was in great pain. Although her family tried desperately, they couldn’t find any way to help her.

Diana would normally have been at her Kindergarten, run by BMS World Mission’s partner in Guinea, learning, playing and hearing stories from the Bible. But when she stopped going, her teachers spoke to her parents and realised they had to help. Fortunately, they knew exactly who they could go to.

A girl in Guinea
When Caroline first met Diana, she couldn't walk and was in a lot of pain.

BMS worker Caroline* usually treats stroke patients, and regularly works with people experiencing paralysis. Her skills and expertise seemed perfectly suited to help Diana. The only problem? Caroline lives 150 km away from Diana and the roads were so difficult that it would take her four hours each way to reach her. But Caroline and her colleagues weren’t going to let this get in the way of helping this little girl.

Their solution was one that many of us will be able to relate to after the last year: taking things online. “Without WhatsApp, it would have been impossible to help this girl,” says Caroline. Thanks to the help of online video calls, Caroline was able to observe and assess Diana’s condition and make a diagnosis.

A girl lifts a stick above her head, her face is blurred
Caroline prescribed lots of different exercises to help build Diana's strength.

From there, she gave her exercises to help build up her strength and make sure she walked once more. These exercises were crucial to healing Diana, but they needed to be done three times a day in order for them to work at all. Just a week after Caroline’s initial consultation, her colleague helping Diana’s mum and teacher to carry out the exercises noticed the difference in Diana’s condition. “Her spirit is lifted, she’s more joyful now,” she said. When Caroline had first seen Diana walking, she had to be held up completely. She could barely move her feet and you could tell from her face how much pain she was in. But three weeks later, Caroline could see incredible improvement. Even though she still had to be held up to walk, the strength in her legs was already coming back. One week later, she could walk with a stick. Two weeks later, she could walk with somebody holding her hand. Three weeks later, she could walk alone.

A family in Guinea
Thanks to your prayers and support, Caroline was able to help Diana to walk again.

Two months after Caroline started working with Diana, she was able to meet her in person for the first time. The girl she met was so unlike the girl she’d seen in the first video. Still shy and clinging to her mother, but with a cheeky smile and playful spirit as she walked and ran around, as if she had never had any trouble at all.

Throughout everything, Caroline saw God’s faithfulness and mercy through the connections in Diana’s life. God was at work in the Internet connection that allowed Caroline to give her weekly consultations. God was at work in the connections between Caroline’s colleagues and Diana’s teachers, and in their dedication to helping Diana heal. And God was there in the connections between Caroline and you, our amazing BMS supporters, who prayed for Diana as she began to take her first steps once again. “It’s because of all these connections we could really help her,” says Caroline. “And now she’s so joyful and like herself again.”

Check out this video to see Diana's amazing progress!

Want to help save lives in Guinea?

If you’ve been inspired by this story and want to help support God’s work in Guinea, why not talk to your church about supporting our workers on the frontline as a Church Partner? You can support Caroline and her husband Victor*, or new Guinea team member Holly* (or even all of them!). Head to our Church Partners page to find out more.

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Words by Laura Durrant.
*Names changed for security reasons.

Posted on: April 21 2021

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