Resources for online church

These copyright free videos have been specially produced to help you keep your church in touch with BMS during the Coronavirus pandemic. There are updates from our workers, and videos to help your church pray and respond to the crisis.  Each video can be downloaded and incorporated into your live or recorded service, or simply shared on social media.

Videos for your online service

  • “You can make a difference. You can save a life. You can bring someone to Jesus.”

    Operation: Chad is BMS World Mission’s 2020 Harvest appeal. It tells the story of Guinebor II hospital, God’s shining light in the Chadian desert. Watch the video to be transported to this beacon of hope and healing in the Sahel, where BMS-supported medical workers stitch-up gunshot wounds, remove cancers, heal malnourished children, and preach the gospel of Jesus to people who’ve never heard it before.

  • This short video provides a snapshot of a worldwide pandemic, and invites us to take our place alongside our global neighbours as we tackle the Coronavirus crisis in countries and contexts as diverse as Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Mozambique and the UK. It also calls the UK Baptist family to respond together in prayer and giving, reminding us that it’s standing together in solidarity that makes us stronger.

    Video still with a map of the world and the text 'Remember your global neighbours'
  • Get an insight into how the Coronavirus pandemic is really impacting our global neighbours, as BMS World Mission workers share snapshots of what life is like for people in Uganda, Chad and Nepal right now.

    Stand with the world by sharing this video with your church, and help by praying and giving. (Length: 3 mins 24 secs)

  • This live panel event provided an inside look at BMS’ Coronavirus response.
    How is BMS World Mission responding to the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic? How will UK churches be affected? Can we make a difference?

    The Anatomy of a Crisis

Sermons for your online service

Update videos from Mission Workers

Other video and PowerPoint resources

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