Give in memory

Gift in Memory - Banner image - 2017

Giving in memory is a wonderful way to celebrate the life of a loved one, helping to support the causes that were close to their heart.

You can donate online using the form on the right.

Through your gift in memory, we are making the love of Jesus known throughout the world. From life-saving care for newborn babies to education for refugee children. We can only do this because of the amazing support we receive.

Your act of love, in remembrance of your loved one, will be cherished and honoured.

To pass on an offering from a funeral or thanksgiving service using your credit or debit card, please tick ‘this is a church gift or collection’ on the form.

For more information, or to tell us about a gift you’ve already made, email or call 01235 517610

I'd like to give another way
  • You can set up a JustGiving page in memory of your loved one
  • You can call our donations hotline at 01235 517641.
  • Or you can give to us by post. Our postal address is BMS World Mission, PO Box 49, 129 Broadway, Didcot, OX11 8XA

Make a gift in memory of a loved one