Current vacancies

BMS works in countries all over the world, mainly through partner organisations. Have a look at some of the current opportunities there are to serve with BMS and see where your skills can be used overseas!

SEARCH our vacancies

You can refine your search by country, region, ministry or length of service. If you don’t see anything relating to your particular interest or area of expertise, please still get in touch with us as we have many more recruitment needs which are not listed.
  • Long-term (two years plus)
    We are looking for a Paediatrician with an interest in internal medicine to join the team at the Guinebor II hospital in Chad....
    Health vacancies featured image
  • Long-term (two years plus)
    We are looking for a General Practitioner with an interest in internal medicine to join the team at the Guinebor II hospital in Chad....
    Health vacancies featured image
  • Short-term (three months to two years)
    We are looking for qualified physiotherapists to support the Chadian physiotherapists at the Guinebor II hospital....
    Health vacancies featured image
  • Short-term (three months to two years)
    We are looking for qualified x-ray technicians to support the Chadian x-ray technicians at the Guinebor II hospital....
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  • Short-term (three months to two years) , Long-term (two years plus)
    We urgently need qualified surgeons to work as part of a team in a busy hospital providing frontline medical care...
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  • Short-term (three months to two years)
    Volunteer as an ultrasound technician in Chad, a country of great medical need....
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  • Short-term (three months to two years)
    Volunteer as an oncology specialist (nurse or doctor) in Chad, a country of great medical need....
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Filters applied

  • AfricaX
  • HealthX