About BMS World Mission

BMS works among some of the most marginalised and least evangelised people, as well as those forced to flee home, in some of the most fragile places on earth.

The highest goal of all we do is to bring people to faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and an experience of the abundant life that only he can provide.

Heart for the gospel

Your support for BMS takes the good news of Jesus to places where it’s never been known. Every year, thousands of people in the hardest-to-reach countries hear the gospel through BMS work. You can help reach the least evangelised today…

Hope for the world

BMS supporters deliver practical help to people in desperate circumstances. By providing pathways to education, flourishing livelihoods and good healthcare for those with the fewest opportunities, you tackle injustice and suffering, and bring hope to the world…

Help for the journey

More people than ever find themselves displaced, by war, natural disasters or persecution. Whether dispersed within their own countries or forced across borders, your prayers and donations mean people on the move are met with support, shelter and a warm welcome…

Head and shoulders of William Carey in late 18th Century dress

BMS History

BMS was founded in 1792 and missionaries from William Carey onwards have sought to make Jesus known and his abundant life a reality among the poor and marginalised.



The Trustees are drawn from a wide sector of the Baptist community and provide a range of experience, knowledge and expertise. Together, they determine BMS’ mission and purpose, and set strategic objectives. Board members are elected via the BMS Council of Reference and serve for a maximum period of six years (three years, then re-election).


A wide range of BMS World Mission’s policies, procedures, and notices are available to view on this page.

Notices and terms and conditions relating specifically to the use of this website and data collected through the website are also available in the footer of every page.


A full copy of the Annual Report and Financial Statements can be be downloaded here. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Charities Act 1993 and the Statement of Recommended Practice 2005 Accounting and Reporting by Charities (SORP 2005).